The first two pages of The Fold describe the popping of a zit in pretty gruesome detail. But even if you're squeamish, force yourself through them; what follows is a lovely story of family, friendship and beauty.
Joyce's rich aunt Gomo (who's called "Michael" by Joyce and her siblings because of her affinity for cosmetic surgery) wants to treat her to san-gah-pu-rhee surgery to make her Asian eyes look more Western. It might help her catch John Ford Kang, the half-Korean/half-German big man on campus. Then again, Joyce wonders if she should just be happy with what God gave her.
What would you do? An Na proves that the answer may not be so obvious. The story and language are tame compared with a lot of current YA, but Na does delicately touch on a certain "mature theme" in addition to plastic surgery for teens. She won the prestigious Printz Award for A Step from Heaven, and her writing definitely has a literary feel. Totally school-appropriate.
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