Did you see Amy Adams host SNL last night? I happened to rent the wonderful Junebug a week or so before she sang on the Oscars—my gosh, this girl is talented! And now Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day is in theaters. The reviews are less than glowing, but that has nothing to do with Miss Adorable Amy. The LA Times says "Adams is amazingly adept at playing smart playing dumb." If you watch her movies, that makes sense. Over in New York, Stephen Holden muses:
For the next few years, until the dew evaporates, all Ms. Adams need do to win friends and influence people is weave variations on this archetype: [Jean] Arthur filtered through a flightier Julia Roberts with a dollop of Melanie Griffith. Beneath their wiles, Ms. Adams’s princesses are true-blue souls who would sooner die than hurt anyone. They’re just a little ditzy.I don't know anything about this Jean Arthur character, but Amy can out-shine Julia Roberts any day.
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