I am sooo guilty of judging books by their covers. But I can't help it—I treasure my books; therefore, I want them to be pretty. And I want the books I read on the bus to be attractive looking, even if they're just borrowed from the library, because other people are seeing them, and thus they're as much a part of my outfit as my coat and gloves and headphones.
Like lots of other girls, it seems,The Bell Jar is my most beloved novel. I bought my copy when I was 16 or 17 without any prior knowledge of what it's all about. I just knew that it was a book I should and/or would like. I got the Bantam edition (third from the left in the bottom row) with the huge title font and the downward facing rose. It's not the worst ever Bell Jar cover art (that would be this), but I can't help liking some of these others a lot more, and I want to collect them all. The new paperback with the girl holding the umbrella and the bright blocks of color is pretty swell. As it would be to own the original by "Victoria Lucas." Alas, an eBay search for "bell jar victoria lucas" returns 0 results. I'm sure I couldn't afford it, anyway.
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