
Top Nine of '09

I'm giving myself 20 minutes to write this. My personal nine best things that happened to me in 2009, in kinda random order:

1) I started my own Etsy shop to sell my zines at welshrabbit.etsy.com. It's been a lot of fun, and it's probably the closest I'll ever come to my dream of owning a boutique. I continued my library school zine Scatter Gram and started a new perzine called Winsome & Wise.

2) I took Resources for Young Adults, the most fun class of my grad school career. Ten weeks, 20 YA books. I got to read Sloppy Firsts; The Earth, My Butt & Other Big, Round Things; TTYL; The Princess Diaries and more—for homework!

3) I taught 10 workshops to university students, faculty and staff at my library internship, proving I am not completely incapable of speaking in front of a group of people.

4) I traveled north to Providence and Boston and south to Charleston, SC.

5) I became an album cover star when my friend Matt used a picture of me for his new CD, Spiteful Creatures.

6) I got a super-cute pink bike helmet and started riding in the city.

7) I dressed up as Lisa Simpson for Halloween. (Red dress and shoes, yellow tights, pearl choker, and yellow headpiece made from cardstock.)

8) I spent a lot of time working with little kiddies as a school library observer, summer camp helper, and kindergarten classroom volunteer.

9) I am going to ring in the new year with the cutest boy I know. (OK, that's cheating since it didn't happen yet.)